So what’s my days been like? Busy. No sitting in hammocks, having monkeys serving me mixed drinks in coconut shells like I thought the Peace Corps was (or should be). Instead, I’m actually putting in hours on all end. A typical day looks something like this
545am: Wake up as I hear the bread being delivered and hear the sales going on. Fall back to sleep
7am: Alarms start going off, enjoy breakfast of bread and coffee (three cups), watch a little TV. The fam has learned that Mateo does not like to talk before he is done with his coffee
8am: Out the door to touch base with the school/health post/municipality about what’s going on and what I need them to do (copies, arrange a meeting, etc)
9am: At the secondary school, teaching boxing to about 20 kids who will be participating in exhibition matches for the school’s anniversary celebration
11am: Leave the school, go follow up with whoever I was visiting in the morning to make sure it’s in motion. Prepare for afternoon
12:30/1pm: Lunch, possibly with family if I’m not going to my annexes
1:30pm: Wait for bus to get go out to my annexes (the farthest is 25 miles away, the closest is 20 miles away)
2:30ish: Arrive in annexes, talk with health promoters. Either house visits our set up for a charla
3pm: Visiting houses and talking with families, or in an education session
5pm: Catch the bus back to site
5:30pm: Arrive at site, go home and relax
7pm: Dinner
7:30pm: Prep for the morning or meeting with a local contractor about my bathroom design
9:30pm/10pm: Lights out, hasta mañana